Vt180, whats the story here?

From: Allison J Parent <allisonp_at_world.std.com>
Date: Fri Oct 29 22:05:47 1999

<One thing I didn't mention is that there's a pin on both the AVO and
<STP(?) connectors that's grounded when the appropriate board is
<installed. This tells the VT100 control software (there's an 8080 or some
<such in there, BTW) that that board is present, so it can report it to
<the host.

It's actually a DIP setup on the AVO and main board of the VT100. Stp
for the most part was null functionality save for the printerbuffer cards.

<Oh, quite likely... People on this list have all sorts of things... I
<have a real VT105 (for my MINC system, for which it is the 'official'
<terminal), but I am _not_ pulling the waveform generator from it.

You forgot the VT103 that was a VT100 with AVO using a cost reduced card.
I ahve one or two of those loose.

<> > Composite in is strange. You first have to extract the sync from the
<> > composite out socket, and lock an external video source to that. You ca
<> > then feed the output of that video source into the composite in socket,

Older video sources like cameras were deigned to be genlocked off somthing
else and had two cables (the one I'd seen) and the sync return was usually
from the output of the GENlock/timebase to the VT100 and a TEE connector
seemed to work for that. Should work for color as well.

Received on Fri Oct 29 1999 - 22:05:47 BST

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