HP 120 was Re: Best CP/M machine?

From: Joe <rigdonj_at_intellistar.net>
Date: Thu Sep 2 10:56:56 1999

  Since we're on the subject of CPM machines I'll mention that I just
picked up a HP 120 CPM machine. It looks a lot like a HP 9816. Cute little
bugger. And it's a lot easier to move around than the HP 125 that I was
using. I have the OS for it and HP's menu program (PAM) and a word
processor. Does anyone have any other software for the HP 120 or 125? I'm
not sure if it will run regular CPM software or not but probably not
knowing how HP did things. I can read both 8, 3.5 and 5.25" disks on them
but they have to be in HP's oddball LIF format.

Received on Thu Sep 02 1999 - 10:56:56 BST

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