Lisa 2 power supply problems

From: Joe <>
Date: Fri Sep 3 11:06:05 1999

If anyone has any specific information about fixing the Lisa power supplies
please post it here. This is a common problem and I for one would like to
know more about fixing them. I have a Lisa with a good power supply but you
can never tell when it may die.


At 12:46 AM 9/3/99 EDT, you wrote:
>Anyone got any ideas for this guy? Please reply directly to him, as he's
not subscribed to the list. Thanks. -- MB
>--- Forwarded Message from Dave <> ---
>I have a question. I have been looking for a Lisa for quite some time
>and I finally found one (Lisa 2 or XL, not quite sure). I brought it
>home and excitedly plugged it in and ... nothing. No spinning of drives
>no monitor activity just a small, short hiss that comes from the power
>supply every time I hit the soft switch. According to sun's pdf repair
>guide this is perhaps a problem with the power supply (mine is the 1.8
>model). Could you perhaps suggest to me (or refer me to source that
>could) how to check my power supply, or if this is even the right course
>of action. Have been diddling with this for three days now and have no
>I did however take a volt meter to the power supply and noted that while
>I have black on body of the power supply I only get one five volt
>reading and nothing else. That comes from the third tooth up and only
>on one side.
>Any help would really make my day and with luck I could join the likes
>of you folks.
>Thanks a lot
Received on Fri Sep 03 1999 - 11:06:05 BST

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