> My favourite was the old Xerox 820-II, with the high keyboard and 8inch
> drives. It runs Dbase and WordStar with great dignity.
Since we're voting, I want to put a vote in for the PMC-101
The MicroMate is a 128K CP/M computer that is the size of one TRS-80
floppy disk drive, so it fits anywhere. You can add 3 additional
drives. And it comes with a utility that allows you to configure any of
the drives as any of (about) 5 different CP/M formats, so you can copy
and translate the format of CP/M disks in one operation. It has built-in
"TERMINAL" and "MODEM" serial ports. And (I don't have it in front of
I believe it also has a built-in parallel printer port.
Doug Coward dcoward_at_pressstart.com (work)
Sr. Software Eng. mranalog_at_home.com (home)
Press Start Inc.
Analog Computer Museum and History Center
Received on Fri Sep 03 1999 - 12:06:05 BST