evolution of misinformation (was: Computer Museum opens in San Diego

From: Fred Cisin <cisin_at_xenosoft.com>
Date: Sun Sep 5 14:45:32 1999

On Sun, 5 Sep 1999, Tony Duell wrote:
> > I assumed that by "particular bit of silliness" you meant "the 'erased by
> > sandblasting' idea" but after a little thought, I realized that maybe you
> > just meant "the spreading of a patently false statement".
> I wonder if this disk came from a secure (military, possibly)
> installation, and the platter had to be sandblasted before it could be
> given to the museum. To prevent any possibility of future data recovery.

Good point by Allison and by Tony. The sandblasting to erase could,
instead, mean that it had to be sandblasted to DESTROY it before releasing
to a third party. Certainly that could erase it.

> Of course the implication is that the disk was sandblasted in normal use,
> which appears to be absurd.

THAT is the "particular bit of silliness" to which I referred. Hmmm. on
the head carriage there would be an extra nozzle assembly to sand blast?
And maybe a vacuum sand recovery system for reuse?
Received on Sun Sep 05 1999 - 14:45:32 BST

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