Fwd: UNIVAC 1610 Print Element

From: Bill von Hagen <wvh_at_gethip.com>
Date: Thu Sep 9 19:30:24 1999

I recently received this mail and thought someone on the list might be able
to help this guy. The topic of his request predates most of my collection
(and knowledge, for that matter).

Thanks to anyone who can help him - please reply to him directly.


>From: Curt Repka <curtr_at_dbsgmachines.com>
>To: "'wvh_at_gethip.com'" <wvh_at_gethip.com>
>Subject: UNIVAC 1610 Print Element
>Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 14:48:16 -0500
>X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.1960.3)
>I have a couple of old UNIVAC keypunch work stations - Model 1610. They
>work fine, but they will not print the data on the card. Do you have any
>leads on a possible source for technical support, parts, etc.? I have
>tried the Tech Support Dept of UNISYS _at_ 1-800-328-0440, but they
>couldn't help. I need the print element and the ink roller. Any help
>would be appreciated!!!!
Received on Thu Sep 09 1999 - 19:30:24 BST

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