Could you tell me what voltages come from what pins on that A500. The one I have doesn't have a power supply.
John Rollins wrote:
>Been a little while since I got a "new" computer. One of the neighbors was
>getting rid of some stuff from their basement, which included two
>computers. Luckily they now I'm a computer freak and told me I could have
>whatever I wanted. So, now I have an Amiga 500 with p/s, A520 video adaptor
>and what looks like a printer cable. No disks :-(, but it did have the
>original box(wow! a 7MHz 68000 and 512K RAM!!!). Also got a C64 with 1541
>drive, two joysticks and probably 50-70 disks(haven't gotten around to
>counting. But hey, Pac-Man is in there!). The C64 seems to be working just
>fine(not sure about the drive yet), but the Amiga isn't. When I finally
>figured out how the A520 worked, all I could get on my Apple composite
>monitor was a green screen with a blank area at the top(looked kinfa like
>the video is off a bit inside the monitor, which is partially true but it's
>not THAT bad... just some hidden text on the edge usually) which blinks
>maybe every 10-15 seconds or so. No sounds, no text, not really any video
>at all. The power light is kinda flashing, maybe once every second or
>two(haven't timed it yet). Any ideas on what's wrong? I'll hold off on the
>how do I use it questions until after I finish raiding the local library of
>the computer books, but feel free to send me any tips and tricks for these
>| |
>| list admin KD7BCY |
>| Portland, OR |
Received on Fri Sep 10 1999 - 09:56:26 BST