Tony wrote:
> I have (somewhere) the HP specs for HP-IL, and the 1LB3 HPIL interface
> chip data sheet
I scanned these for Dave Hick's Museum of HP Calculators CD-ROM set. They
should appear on the next edition which he expects to ship soon.
> (heck, although not IL-related, I have the 1LQ4 Saturn bus
> -> JEDEC memory interface chip data sheets somewhere...).
That one I've never seen. Where did you find it?
> Oh, and the
> HP71 HPIL module IDS (ROM sources, etc for the HP71 HP-IL code). With
> those I can generally figure out HPIL problems
These will also appear on a future CD-ROM, along with the HP-71
Software IDS (3 volumes), the HP-71 Hardware IDS, and the
HP-71 Forth/Assembler Software IDS.
>> The 3421 is really nice, doubley so both interfaces. You can use it on
> The HPIB is a kludge :-). The basic instrument is HPIL, and the HPIB
> board is a microcontroller + ROMs + 1LB3 + interface parts. There's a 4
> pole changeover switch that links the HPIL port on the main board either
> to the external connector or to the HP-IL port on the HPIB card. That
> card then translates HPIB commands/data into HPIL ones -- sort of like a
> special 82169.
Several HP products were done this way, including the HPIB version of
the Thinkjet printer.
Also, note that the HP 9807 Integral computer (the 68K/HP-UX lunchbox
computer) has an internal Thinkjet printer which is interface to the
system via an internal HP-IL bus. Too bad they didn't make it available
externally. It's rumored that there was an expansion card to provide an
HP-IL interface, but I've never seen it.
Received on Mon Sep 13 1999 - 15:16:48 BST