HELP! Osbourne drives

From: Joe <>
Date: Mon Sep 13 16:45:54 1999

At 12:06 PM 9/13/99 -0400, Jake wrote:

>head alignment?

   Maybe but both drives are doing the same thing.
>swap the drives into another machine and see if they'll read the messydos
>disks... unless the drives are weird proprietary..

   I've been told that they're different from standard drives. But I'm not
sure of that. I'm hoping that someone can tell me for sure. One problem is
that they're single sided drives so I need to find a machine that supports
SS drives. I know a PC will read and write SS disks but all the current
ones do expect the drive to be double sided.

Received on Mon Sep 13 1999 - 16:45:54 BST

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