Unopened classic what should I do???

From: Hans Franke <>
Date: Tue Sep 14 11:44:14 1999

> > Dilemma:
> > Should I open it and smellthe sweet scent of the ancient '80's air trapped
> > in it's plastic bags or let it be, and keep it's un-opened pristine
> > state??? A virgin. Un-touched by end-user hands.

> Consider: will the packaging degrade over time in a way that affects
> the artifact? Shipping cartons aren't really intended for long-term
> storage, they're intended to protect the contents during shipment
> which hopefully won't take 20 years. Styrofoam and plastics can melt
> if they get too hot (i.e. styrofoam peanuts and plastic bubble wrap
> tend to have lower melting points than do computer cases and cords,
> and those temperatures can easily be reached in shelters that are
> exposed to sunlight like outdoor sheds), and rubbers and glues can dry
> out and/or turn gooey over time.

This can be undone - just as one often has to remove
other markings and glued stuff to get them back to
a displayable state. And light and dust can offer
a lot more trubble on long term than som degraded


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Received on Tue Sep 14 1999 - 11:44:14 BST

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