Vintage Computer Festival 3.0
October 2-3, 1999
Santa Clara Convention Center
Santa Clara, California
The Vintage Computer Festival is once again proud to present a tour
of The Computer Museum History Center in Mountain View, California.
The Computer Museum boasts the worlds largest collection of historic
computers, including some one of a kind machines. If you've never
visited the History Center then you should take advantage of this
Two tours are scheduled for 3:30pm on both Saturday and Sunday of the
Festival based on demand. If there is not enough demand for two
separate tours then all reservations will be consolidated to one tour
on Sunday, October 3. Each tour will last approximately one hour.
The tour is open to most everyone but you must register in advance
to reserve a seat on the bus which will be taking participants to the
History Center from the Santa Clara Convention Center. Since the
History Center is located on a United States military base (Moffet
Federal Airfield) foreign nationals will have to RSVP as soon as
possible so that their identification can be processed. United
States citizens and those with green cards should not have any
difficulty registering.
Please note there is a charge of $5 for the bus ride.
Complete information on making a reservation can be found on The
Computer Museum's web site:
Spread the Word!
Remember to tell a friend about the Vintage Computer Festival. This
is a great event for the whole family since kids are admitted free.
There will be plenty of fascinating old computers on display that
will help introduce computing to a budding young mind.
Sell Your Computer
There are still a few booths available in the Vintage Computer Flea
Market but they are going fast! If you have a bunch of old computers
sitting in your closet, or want to cash in on the computer collecting
craze, there's no better place than the VCF Flea Market to sell your
old computers. Booths are $125 for the entire weekend. Don't wait
too long to decide, this price is only good until September 15.
You can also sell your items on consignment with the VCF. It's hassle
free! See for complete details
on vendor booths and consignment sales.
We'll see you at VCF 3.0! And remember, tell your friends!!
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Vintage Computer Festival 3.0
October 2-3, 1999
Santa Clara Convention Center
Santa Clara, California
Received on Thu Sep 16 1999 - 21:26:50 BST