Megan wrote:
> >You may miss out on just the bid you've been waiting for if you end your
> >auction early. Still, there may be times when you have a valid reason to
> >end an auction. You may stop your auction when you decide not to sell. To
> >do this, you must cancel all bids on your auction before it ends. If you do
> >not do this, you are obligated to sell to the high bidder.
So if the current high bidder has a bid in eBay of say $100. They call
the seller and offer $1000 for closing the auction early. Result is the
buyer is assured the item, the seller pays commission on $100 but
actually receives $1000.
It might be devious but it seems to fall within the rules.
Hans B Pufal Comprehensive Computer Catalogue
<> <>
Received on Thu Sep 16 1999 - 23:31:58 BST