Find of the day

From: Dwight Elvey <>
Date: Fri Sep 17 16:57:24 1999

Christian Fandt <> wrote:
> Upon the date 03:05 PM 9/17/99 -0600, Richard Erlacher said something like:
> >>Likewise, I posted that I have about 20 diskettes in a case (not yet
> >
> There are members on here, like myself, who are into the VME- and
> Multibus-based industrial/embedded systems. I have several Multibus-I
> boards and a couple of crates that I want to someday get running. iRMX-80
> and -86 would indeed be of use in my attempts at this and any help such as
> you're offering will be appreciated. Docs are just as important too.

 Watch out for these old 8 inch ISIS disk. These are often
M2FM and none of the standard controllers will read them.
You'll need to find someone with a MDS-800 or Series II
and the floppy controller to read these.
Received on Fri Sep 17 1999 - 16:57:24 BST

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