New (small!) toy.

From: Hans Franke <>
Date: Mon Sep 20 06:56:36 1999

> > like any other TRS-80 I've met so far.
> > I have no clue as of the capabilities and limitations of this piece -

> You're pretty much limited to BASIC, and it doesn't have that much
> memory. It's probably best to think of it as a fancy programmable
> calculator.

Well, the 1211 is the 'grandfather' of all small Sharps, and
the direct precessor to the 124x/5x/6x series. There are tricks
to get ML programms running from tape, but basicly, the real
fun started with the 1248 (I'll hacked it on a long drive from
berlin where I just tried all 2 letter abrevations to look for
undocumented command - and I found them ! Peek/Poke/Call/etc.
Now I could access all hardware, but even within almost a year,
I couldn't discover the processor beneth - well, it was just
a complete hidden and 'non standard' design. Eventualy Sharp
published an assemb manual.


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Received on Mon Sep 20 1999 - 06:56:36 BST

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