Zilog reintroduces enhanced Z80!
<I suspect that it's only news to the slashdot crowd. "Two (or three)
<decade-old architecture still doing real work" is news for 99% of the folk
<out there, though it isn't to us :-).
I agree. ;) However I did check zilog and the part is a new beast and does
offer potential for some hot performance. Little things like 24bit linear
address and an accumulate/multiply engine. With those goodies added yep,
beats 180s182. The z80 has plenty of room to grow and unlike the
8080-->8088 transistion they learned from the z8000... it's z80 code
This is one I'd like to play with... can you imagine CPM with 16mb ram
at 30+mhz?
Received on Mon Sep 20 1999 - 21:18:45 BST
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