True, so long as you have the MONITOR. I believe the original
correspondent did not have the monitor, and another correspondent suggested
that an ordinary monochrome monitor would work. Not true, AFAIK.
At 08:19 AM 9/24/99 -0600, you wrote:
>I use my 3270 as a standard PC. The display adapter and monitor work fine
>with all software, even comes up in color with UCSD Pascal. No need to pull
>the works.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jay Jaeger <>
>To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
>Date: Thursday, September 23, 1999 9:06 PM
>Subject: Re: IBM 3270 PC
>>The part quoted below about the display was incorrect. A true 3270 PC used
>>a special display adapter as well as
>>a special keyboard adapter and some special expansion memory (cabled to the
>>keyboard adapter, if I recall
>>correctly). However, you can pull all of that out, and you will have a
>>more or less standard XT. You can leave the
>>coax card in, if it suits your fancy, and you have a 327x controller around
>>somewhere... 8-)
>>At 04:45 AM 9/23/99 -0500, you wrote:
>>>.The monitor should be a
>>>regular green or amer mono unless a different video board was used as an
>>>aftermarket item.
>>>David Williams wrote:
>>>> Got an urge to go to a thrift I haven't been to in a while and found
>>>> what was labeled as a 3270 PC. Brought it home and opened it
>>>> up. Looking at the boards inside I'd guess it was a 3270 PC as the
>>>> label said. No keyboard or monitor. I'm guessing it used different
>>>> ones than the normal PC. It has a hard disk, but have to pull it to
>>>> see what type first and 2 half height 5.25" floppies. Not sure what
>>>> software is on the drive. Anyone tell me anything else about this?
>>>> Such as where to locate a keyboard and monitor, what each of the
>>>> boards might be, etc. I can go into some detail on the cards if
>>>> need be. Half appear to be normal drive controllers and serial port,
>>>> etc. Then there is one with a BNC connector and two others that
>>>> have a small jumper board between them. Should I even keep it?
>>>> Hmmmm....
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> -----
>>>> David Williams - Computer Packrat
>>Jay R. Jaeger The Computer Collection
>> visit
Jay R. Jaeger The Computer Collection visit
Received on Fri Sep 24 1999 - 19:09:03 BST