Help! ID this Zenith computer
At 11:00 PM 9/24/99 -0700, you wrote:
>>I went scrounging again today and brought home a large Zenith computer.
>>Model number ZDF-121-32. It's about 18" wide and 14" tall and has an
>>attached keybaord. It has two 5 1/4" floppy drives on the RH side of the
>>front and a ~12" monitor on the LH side. Can someone tell be what it is and
>>what kind of OS it uses? I also need OS, software and manuals if anyone
>>has them.
>> Thanks,
>> Joe
>I want to say a Z-89. All one piece right? Let me guess, Military surplus
>again? I think it ran CP/M, in fact I think my set of CP/M manuals is from
>one of those systems. I've not seen one in about eight years, and never
>used one, so don't really know anything about them. I know the Navy used
>them as administrative computers on shore, I never saw them on ship, but
>that doesn't mean a few didn't make it there. Don't know how popular they
>were elsewhere.
>I want to say a Z-89.
Thanks, I was hoping it was something like that.
> All one piece right?
Yes, All built in one piece.
> Let me guess, Military surplus
No, this one came from an RCA test facility. I found it in a scrap yard.
BUT one of the guys there used to work on them in Germany and said that
the US Army used a lot of them there. He's getting old and fogetfull so he
could tell me much else except that most of the problems were bad power
supplies and most of them were caused by bad solder joints. Any chance of
borrowing those manuals?
Received on Sat Sep 25 1999 - 11:25:52 BST
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