> > I hope this is never necessary for a classic computer! For the DEC
> > and DG machines that I'm familiar with and which used a real lock
> > cylinder, all you have to do is remove the front panel, loosen a nut,
> > and pull the cylinder. It does pay to look carefully before doing this,
> > as when you put in the new cylinder you want the cam in the correct
> > position to activate the microswitches.
> If it is properly designed and installed, it will NOT be removable
> until after the lock is unlocked. Why have a lock that can simply be
> removed instead of using the key?
> But, then again, wasn't this about an IBM product?
DEC and DG just used the locks to eliminate non-operator use of
the control panel, not to eliminate non-authorized access to
the hardware. IBM locked the boxes to eliminate service types as
well as non-operator use of the controls.
Three things never anger: First, the one who runs your DEC,
The one who does Field Service and the one who signs your check.
Received on Mon Sep 27 1999 - 12:17:06 BST