Well, 82s123 are proms, they are used in a lot of places however are they
programmed or not?
If they are you get whats in them. If not, you need a way to blast them.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Lane <kyrrin_at_bluefeathertech.com>
To: classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org <classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org>
Date: Saturday, April 01, 2000 12:21 PM
Subject: PROMs offered: Should I take?
> I've been offered a cheap price on a tubeful of Signetics 82S123 bipolar
> If memory serves (pun intended), these were used as boot ROMs for various
>PDP-11's of the UniBus persuasion.
> Is this so? If so, are they also useful for other classic apps? I'm
>considering picking them up, but don't know for sure whether I'd be wasting
>$10 or not...
> Thanks in advance.
>Bruce Lane, Owner and head honcho, Blue Feather Technologies
>http://www.bluefeathertech.com // E-mail: kyrrin_at_bluefeathertech.com
>Amateur Radio: WD6EOS since Dec. '77
>"Our science can only describe an object, event, or living thing in our
>own human terms. It cannot, in any way, define any of them..."
Received on Sat Apr 01 2000 - 11:54:19 BST