Scanning out-of-print books and documentation

From: Jason McBrien <>
Date: Wed Apr 12 10:41:17 2000

Generally, if the publisher of the book or manual is still in business, they
still own the copyright for the next 80 or so years. They tend to get upset
if you redistribute it free of charge.

However, if the book hasn't been published in quite a long time, the
publisher won't care quite as much (I.E. it's hard to prove damages in court
if you haven't published the book in question for 10 years, especially for
outdated hardware) Check the publisher's website,,,
etc... to see if it still in print or available. Better yet ask the
publisher if you can redistribute it. I've seen many websites with
reproduced instruction cards and owner's manuals with consent of the
publisher. Just make sure all the (TM)s and (R)s are in the right places.
Good luck.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ram Meenakshisundaram" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 10:52 AM
Subject: Scanning out-of-print books and documentation

> Hi,
> I want to start scanning some of the transputer books and manuals that I
> have. A lot if not all are out-of-print. If I scan them and put them on
> the net, do I have to worry about copyright laws, etc. Would I get into
> trouble?? What is the current policy on this?? I know several of you
> scanned several books/documentation/manuals etc for various machines. Any
> help in this would be appreciated. Oh, what about old software too.
> Thanks.
> Ram
Received on Wed Apr 12 2000 - 10:41:17 BST

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