OT: Old Pentium Motherboard data

From: Jim Strickland <jim_at_calico.litterbox.com>
Date: Sat Apr 22 14:09:25 2000

What he says. The URL I gave appears to be from mitac, and might not be for
the same mb at all. *grumble* I wish MB manufacturers could agree not to
re-use each other's model numbers.

> Go to FIC's website, they have the manuals and such there. www.fica.com
> Richard Erlacher wrote:
> > Can anyone suggest a good URL for finding data on OLD Pentium Motherboard?
> > I've got this old FIC PA2002 mobo, the user guide for which seems to be
> > hiding. I've used this for so long in one place, I've no recollection of
> > what's what.
> >
> > If anyone has the user guide or knows where I can find it, please share this
> > info with me.
> >
> > thanx
> >
> > Dick

Jim Strickland
                              BeOS Powered!
Received on Sat Apr 22 2000 - 14:09:25 BST

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