OT: WTB: Mac II Monitor Cable

From: Kevin L. Anderson <kla_at_helios.augustana.edu>
Date: Wed Apr 26 09:44:30 2000

Sorry to bother you folks, but all local sources
are turning up negative.

You might recall a few weeks back I reported that my son
was given a Mac LC II computer for free, sans monitor.

Well, now we were given a monitor, but it lacks, sure enough,
the DB-15 cable to connect it to the computer.

The world here in the Midwest seems to be solid into the PC
world, with tons of SVGA cables, including at stores that formerly
sold Apple products.

Where can I get a replacement Mac monitor cable?
Thanks. Kevin Anderson

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Kevin L. Anderson Ph.D., Geography Department, Augustana College
  Rock Island, Illinois 61201-2296, USA phone: (309) 794-7325
e-mail: kla_at_helios.augustana.edu -or- gganderson_at_augustana.edu
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    Opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent
           the administration of Augustana College.
Received on Wed Apr 26 2000 - 09:44:30 BST

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