> In Mbasic try:
> then you can list/modify it.
> Could also be that the .bas files are written for the other popular CP/M
> basic : CBASIC.
Or for a different version of the same BASIC. MBASIC 4.51 and MBASIC 5.03
had changes in their tokenizing. To convert between, the best way is to
find the version of BASIC that's right for the file, load the file, and
to save in full text rather than tokenized. you can then save again
without the ,A from the new version.
Or, there may any of a variety of other corruptions of the file.
"Direct Statement in File" can come up from almost any line in the file
that BASIC can't parse.
> The .ASM files need to be compiled to run I think. If I recall the
> assembler is called MASM on your system disk.
It's called ASSEMBLED, although the difference between that and COMPILED
would be of interest to few outside this list.
MASM is the "Macro assembler". Look for ASM.COM on the system disk.
Grumpy Ol' Fred cisin_at_xenosoft.com
Received on Wed Apr 26 2000 - 12:20:22 BST