AOL Disks Collectable - why not?

From: johnb <>
Date: Fri Apr 28 22:29:09 2000

----- Original Message -----
From: Joe <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2000 9:38 PM
Subject: Re: AOL Disks Collectable - why not?

> At 10:25 AM 4/28/00 -0700, Zane wrote:
> >
> >>Most of the people I know feel people who collect computers are nuts.
> >>blame them really - there are much *nicer* things to place in a home.
> >
> >But don't most of us that collect computers think that people that
> >computers are nuts? I know I've come to that conclusion! Especially
> >of us that like collecting *big* systems (yes, such as my /44).
> >
> >
> I guess that you could argue that ANY collector is nuts. Why collect
> paintings when a photo is more realistic and cheaper? Why collect cars
> can't be driven and that take up large amounts of room and that are a
> potential fire hazard? Why collect Beanie Babies? They're just cheap
> stuffed toys. You get the point.

    I don't think any collector is nuts. One who stores items *beyond* a
livable inventory may have problems. "Nuts" being the person who can't give
anything up where severe damage to everything else is the result, ie: House
caving in, neglecting family, etc...

    Someone collecting Furnace Registers on eBay is no more crazy than
someone collecting computers.

    I have been lucky enough not to get "attached" to any computer or other
collectable item so selling them does not bother me at all... that was until
I got the PDP-8/S - I still feel ill about selling both of them!


> Joe
Received on Fri Apr 28 2000 - 22:29:09 BST

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