I received the following from a friend on another mailing list (not
computer related) and thought I would forward it here. Please respond
directly to Rosalie if you are interested.
-spc (Thought you guys might be able to help her)
Forwarded message:
> From trailpal_at_mailcity.com Thu Jul 27 20:25:48 2000
> To: spc_at_armigeron.com
> Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 17:25:01 -0700
> From: "trail pal" <trailpal_at_lycos.com>
> Message-ID: <LOEBMBGPIOHNEAAA_at_mailcity.com>
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> X-Sent-Mail: off
> Reply-To: trailpal_at_lycos.com
> X-Expiredinmiddle: true
> X-Mailer: MailCity Service
> Subject: Re: [dw] UPS rant
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> Organization: Lycos Communications (http://comm.lycos.com:80)
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Language: en
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> Sean -
> I have a commodore 64 from around 1980, plus associated printer, tapedrive, diskdrive, joysticks, and software. Any ideas on :
> a) possiblity of working?
> b) possibility of selling it to someone?
> Oh, yeah, I also have books on programming the 4-voice midi synth in it and something called a "memory map".
> Just wondering whether to hang onto it or find it a better home.
> Rosalie
Received on Tue Aug 01 2000 - 15:29:14 BST