> Hello everyone, id like to announce a new project im starting, The
> ClassicMag project. The goal of this project is to preserve classic
> computing and gaming magazines for extinction. Most of us classic
> collectors love to have magazines for the systems we collect as, in
> the past the provided an immense resource for reviews, news,
> insights and programs. The goal of this project will be to preserve
> old out of print magazine issues in a PDF format. These will be
> scanned complete issues with advertisements let in, as they are as
> interesting and have just as much nostalgia value. Our web site is
> currently up at http://www.classicmag.net there's not a lot there as
> of yet but with everyone's help I hope to fill it soon. I've got a
> tremendous amount of space to be able to host these files. What I'm
> looking for is help from the community, if you have old issues,
> anything to do with computers or video gaming, please consider
> scanning them in getting them to us. If you can't put them in pdf
> form, no problem we can work out a way for you to get them images to
> us and we will get them in pdf form. I have a small list of
> magazines on the site now for some different systems, if you know of
> any I don't have listed please email with the details. I want this
> to be as complete as possible. I'm going to try and stay with mags
> published before 1995. I don't want to run into a lot of copyright
> issues. As always if a mag is on our site and the publisher, if
> there still around, wishes it not be there we will take it down, but
> hope they consider this project worthwhile and let us keep them
> there. I believe this will be a great resource for everyone to be
> able to get a hold of some mags that are gone, but not forgotten. If
> you want to help with this project please email me at
> jim_at_classicmag.net . I look forward to hearing from people.
> Thanks
> Jim Oaks
> http://www.classicmag.net
Well not to rain on anyones parade, but this sounds like a lifetime
Kevin Stavetz' excellent Antic and Start page;
with a lot of help from Atari fans has taken 4 years so far and is
still not completed. He also had the permission of the publisher.
Antic issues published: 88
Complete text online: 71 issues (80.6%)
Downloadable software: 79 issues (90%)
STart issues published: 42
Complete text online: 0 (0%)
Downloadable software: 30 issues (71%)
Total disk space: more than 86 MB
I must have over 100 ST Format , ST Review, and ST User mags
and this is by no means complete.
I also have a single issue of ST Log -- issue 33 !!
Then there are many other Atari mags such as Current Notes, Atari
Connection, and ST World and a multitude of game mags. And this
is only Atari.
The Rainbow Coco mag had around 140 issues and was over 100
pages pages in many issues. It is also sold on disk by the former
Zif-Davis also published the TRS80 Color Computer mag and
others. Lots of luck with them :^)
Future Publishing which put out the ST/Amiga/PC Format and
others would likely fall heavily on anyone infringing on their
Perhaps a more realistic goal would be to focus on several
discontinued mag platforms or some of the classic mags such as
TMK a listing of all the computer mags published is not available
and would be a valuable aid. Also article indexes of popular mags.
IIRC there is one such available for Rainbow.
Sorry to be so negative, but a reality check is in order.
ciao larry
Received on Sat Aug 12 2000 - 18:56:44 BST