> [Charset iso-8859-1 unsupported, filtering to ASCII...]
BTW: who is inserting this rubbish ?
> > How about starting a request list of stuff we're hoping to find for
> > trade/sale/free at the VCF
> > -beer (speaking of which: If you owe me a beer, you'll have a chance to pay
> > up this VCF.)
> Dr. Pepper. Flowing freely. By the gallon. Mr. Pibb even better.
> Does canned Mr. Pibb exist *anywhere*? It seems to only exist as a fountain
> drink, at least here in So. Cal.
Well, I agree for the Beer part, but what the
heck you are talking about ?
> Also, someone PLEASE be selling M100 RAM modules there -- my 8201A needs a
> brain upgrade.
don't they accept plain 6116/6264 ?
VCF Europa 2.0 am 28./29. April 2001 in Muenchen
Received on Tue Aug 29 2000 - 06:49:49 BST