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>Subject: classiccmp-digest V1 #354
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>classiccmp-digest Monday, August 28 2000 Volume 01 : Number 354
>Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2000 19:23:06 -0700 (PDT)
>From: Cameron Kaiser <>
>Subject: Re: CP/M for HP 87?
>> on the subject of TI calcs... OT too!
>> I see TI86s and 83s are around. Are any of these Z80 powered?
>I'm pretty sure the 85s are, at least. Never opened mine up, though.
>- --
>- ----------------------------- personal page: --
> Cameron Kaiser, Point Loma Nazarene University *
>- -- An apple every eight hours will keep three doctors away.
>Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2000 20:41:02 +0930
>From: "Geoff Roberts" <>
>Subject: Re: looking for teletype KSR-43 ribbons
>- ----- Original Message -----
>From: Don Maslin <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2000 6:38 AM
>Subject: Re: looking for teletype KSR-43 ribbons
>> On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, Lawrence LeMay wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > A package of 6 Teletype 43/45 ribbons is $16.62, or $20.28 including
>> > Of course, this site is in Austrailia...
>> Wow! A 22% tax! Shipping not included I presume.
>That would be wrong, we went to a retail price based GST of 10% on 1 July
>from a wholesale price sales tax of 22%.
>It's likely the site has not been updated yet.
>I can get these through a local office machine supplier for around $8 ea
>incl tax. They are still quite easy to get.
>Geoff Roberts
>Computer Systems Manager
>Saint Mark's College
>Port Pirie, South Australia,
>Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2000 11:41:43 -0400 (EDT)
>From: John Lawson <>
>Subject: New Email address
> Hello Collecting friends.
> I am currently on 'inactive' status as far as classic computer
>collecting goes, so my participation on the List has been mostly in R/O
> My old (+7 years!) ISP has seen fit to discontinue all it's Unix Shell
>accounts effective Sept 30 of this year. I have therefore signed up with
>another old-line ISP, in New York.
> Should any of you on the list be considering changing your ISP for any
>reason, especially if you are primarily a telnet user.. I can highly
>recomend them. Their customer service has been a) excellent and
>b) proactive; a state of affairs unheard-of in my years on the Net.
> Since I am now living and working in Southern India, I have bestowed my
>collection en masse to a couple of Listmembers and will not be actively
>pursuing the hobby for a year or two. Getting a full-blown 11/44 system
>thru checked baggage is one thing, but dealing with Indian customs.....
> ;)
> I would like to take this small opportunity to publicly thank each and
>everyone of you one the List who help to preserve these old beasts, and
>also I would like to thank Allison, Megan, Tim, Sellam, Bruce, Marvin,
>Tony Duell, Eric, Don Maslin, Hans Franke, Eliot Moore, and all the rest
>who took time and effort to help me unravel DEC as it was meant to be.
> I have unsubbed the netcom account and subscribed at the panix addrr,
>and I'll continue to monitor the list, although it is doubtful I'll be
>posting much. I have found one cache of more-than-ten-year-old stuff,
>mostly Commie and Atari. I'll post more when I have a chance to check it
>out. Don't get too excited. Buyer pays shipping...
> Cheers
>Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2000 13:21:00 -0700 (PDT)
>From: Aaron Nabil <>
>Subject: Re: looking for teletype KSR-43 ribbons
>On Sun, 27 Aug 2000, Geoff Roberts wrote:
>> . . .
>> I can get these through a local office machine supplier for around $8 ea
>> incl tax. They are still quite easy to get.
>I was hoping someone would have a stash, yes, they are still easy to
>order, which I ended up doing.
>If you don't mind clones, you can get a Intec (not crap) RI1039E from
> for about $5/ea, or if you
>want the genuine article order a AT&T 127815 for about $8/ea from
> like I did yesterday.
>- --
>Aaron Nabil
>Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2000 20:34:01 -0500
>From: Joe <>
>Subject: Re: CP/M for HP 87?
> I have the ROM but I've never tried to use it. I don't have the
>instructions for it so I don't know much about it. I have CPM for the HP
>120 and I'm hoping that it will work with the ROM but I don't know if it
>will or not.
> Joe
>At 04:34 PM 8/26/00 -0700, you wrote:
>>I'm looking for CP/M software for an HP 87 with
>>an HP 82900A CP/M cartridge!
>>Any pointers/help appreciatd!
>>Stan Sieler
>Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2000 21:25:59 -0400
>From: Gene Ehrich <>
>Subject: Looking for Thinkpad 500 Battery
>The title says it all.
>New, used or rebuild.
>Gene Ehrich
>Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2000 05:38:59 EDT
>would anyone know where I could find the MS-DOS progam,
>which was part of some of the versions 3.x and 4.x, but not of all these
>None of the versions in my possession have it, unfortunately, and some
>application I want to run has to have it.
>Thanks and regards
>John G. Zabolitzky
>End of classiccmp-digest V1 #354
Received on Tue Aug 29 2000 - 19:27:03 BST