VAX/VMS V5.5-2 Memory Requirements

From: ajp166 <>
Date: Wed Aug 30 21:05:34 2000

>But slow is the idea believe it or not :^) The idea is to have it slow
>enough that any improvements are noticable, so I'll start with 5MB, and
>it up to 9MB if that's to bad. Part of the idea is also to have
>running so I'll be giving fixing the VR260 a try. I'd been running this
>system without the VR260 using a terminal because I didn't have space
for the
>monitor, would't you know it now that I do...

5mb is more reasonable. At 4mb doing a help screen is going to age you
as it swaps itself dizzy. If memory serves the resident portion of
is around 3800 blocks and in 5mb there is at least a meg of loose space.

I have two MVIIs so I know what your doing and how slow slow is. An
aside for tuning, since the system swaps a fair amount (worse at minimal
a second disk with the PRIMARY page and swap files on it makes a huge
difference. this is more effective if the second disk has it's own
A good drive for swap/page files is a RD52 (quantum D540) as it's fast
easily found (and run forever). Of course space and power for that
a BA123. The #2 MVII is a ba23 with CMD SCSI for the main drives and
one lonesome RD52 on RQDX3 for standalone backup and page/swap files.

Another trick is running VMStailor(remove unated stuff and libraries) and
then doing an image backup and restore (defrag the disk).

>Besides for fast I've got the PWS433au w/320MB RAM running V7.2 :^)

That would be a tad faster. ;)

Received on Wed Aug 30 2000 - 21:05:34 BST

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