On Wed, 06 Dec 2000 14:09:58 -0700 "Will Jennings"
<xds_sigma7_at_hotmail.com> writes:
> As for the ST225, don't forget that they *love* to cook their logic
> boards... there's one spot that gets hot and then the logic board
> rolls over and dies...
Johnny_carson mode ON
I did NOT know that . . .
/Johnny_carson mode OFF
> Some of my favorite drives:
> Anything made by Vertex
I got a couple of V-185's. A little on the fragile side from
a mechanical standpoint, but otherwise hard to kill . . .
> CDC Sabre (I had a rack fall over with a pair of these in it and
> they're still 100% AOK, despite having been mounted like 3 feet up in
> rack)
Really takes a licking, eh? I have a SCSI version of this; still
looking for DIP switch settings . . .
These are *BIG* mama's. I was seriously tempted to grab one
of these at a local wrecking yard, but then I had a momentary
fit of sanity . . .
Never heard of this one . . .
> DEC RA90 (of course, I personally know one of the designers of this
> drive, so if it fails, I *will* bitch at him!)
These have 12" platters, right? Seems like they've been chopping
up alot of these lately . . .
> IBM 8102... Nothing says hard disk like 62MB in 600lbs!
Gee, a drive so big, you have to measure the data density
in bits/lb. Lesse here, that comes to 103k bits/lb. There you
go; a new metric for measuring classic computing 'stuff'.
You heard it here first . . .
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Received on Wed Dec 06 2000 - 16:48:19 GMT