Greetings, fellow denizens of Dumpsterland... ;)
On Thursday 07 December 2000 00:47, you wrote:
> > Does anyone have an extra 68040 cpu running at 33mhz that
> >they don't need?
Your LC575 was originally built with a 33MHz 68LC040, which is the low-cost
fpu-less version of the chip. It could be replaced with either a 68040 or
68LC040 part, with the full '040 having better performance in some
situations. The *significant* advantage (IMO) to using the full '040, is that
it enables the machine to run either Linux or NetBSD.
Interestingly enough, the 25MHz part seems to be totally capable of
overclocking to 33MHz, and with a heatsink, will run cooler at 33MHz than
bare at 25Mhz. There is interesting info on overclocking the 68040 on the
LC475, Performa 475 and Quadra 605 models at: -and-
I'm planning to do the 'switch' mod described in the former URL. If you need
a 25MHz 68LC040 to replace yours, I should have a spare available in about a
week... after I'm done upgrading my LC475 so I can load Debian m68k :)
Bill Layer
Received on Thu Dec 07 2000 - 09:11:55 GMT