> A swiss army type knife with a phillips driver. The "Tinker" model is my
> personal favorite.
> But next to the knife, the single most valuable tool, in my opinion, is the
> vice-grip style plier. It doesn't have to be vice-grip brand, but the
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ yes, it
> Chinese knock-offs can be horrible, the tolerances so poor that the
> frustration they produce is worse than not having the tool at all. (I wonder
> if the Chinese plan for destroying the U.S. from within is to flood us with
> cheap SKS's and crappy vice-grips?)
Back in the 70s, when I was in Honda car repair, I used good tools. Had
ALMOST everything that Snap-On had in metrics, MAC for open ends, and for
Sears Craftsman, only those made before 1970.
But now, I use cheap tools. I go to Harbor Freight on the way home from
Foothill. Sometimes drive up to the Vallejo store.
Nevertheless, there are TWO, and only two tools where I still will
absolutely NOT substitute. Those two are Vise-Grips (#5WR), and
VICTORINOX swiss army knives.
Grumpy Ol' Fred cisin_at_xenosoft.com
Received on Thu Dec 07 2000 - 11:46:46 GMT