I just finished scanning all of the computer related pages from my Fall
1978 Heathkit catalag and posting them on the web. There is a link to all
of them at "
http://www.intellistar.net/~rigdonj/hk/heathkit.htm". Items
shown in the pages include the H-8 and H-11 computers, H-9 terminal, H-10
paper tape reader/punch, the WH-17 and WH-27 Floppy Disk Drives and the
ET-3400 Microprocessor trainer and the EE-3401 training course that went
with it. Enjoy!
The next thing on my to-do list is the dig out all my Osborne books and
make a list of them and sent them to ? for scanning and posting. I did find
my Osborne 1 Technical manual today.
Shameless Plug - take a look at the stuff that I have for sale on
E-OverPay while you're at it. There's a link at
Received on Thu Dec 07 2000 - 18:25:25 GMT