Vintage computers in movies

From: <(>
Date: Tue Dec 19 22:21:01 2000

In a message dated 12/19/00 10:23:20 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> On Tue, 19 Dec 2000, John Foust wrote:
> > Probably right after they stop adding gratuitous sounds and
> > inaccurate functions to computers: dot-matrix printer sounds,
> > beeps and boops that would drive you nuts if the damn machine
> > actually made that sound all the time, slow-motion text display,
> > fonts larger than your mouse, etc.
> I especially like how a lot of computers in movies sound like the terrible
> Atari 2600 version of PacMan.
> Sellam Ismail

what's even more pathetic is that a commercial is running here advertising
best buy/compusa or something like that that shows two guys playing at a game
console in a store and it's making atari2600 pacman sounds! Its always
interesting that computers in movies and tv constantly make the same beep as
the original IBM PC does and that these same movie computers need a lot of
typing rather than just a slight movement of the wrist and a click of the
mouse button. I guess using a mouse doesnt look as interactive as madly
typing on a keyboard.

DB Young ICQ: 29427634

hurry, hurry, step right up! see the computers you used as a kid!
Received on Tue Dec 19 2000 - 22:21:01 GMT

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