From: Douglas Quebbeman <>
Date: Thu Dec 21 10:32:45 2000

> Anybody know where I can find a MACLISP reference manual?
> (BTW, In this case, MAC refers to Project MAC (Multiple
> Access Computer?), and not the cute little box from Cupertino).

I have a copy of Bernie Greenburg's MacLisp manual.

However, due to an on-going problem in which I sent my
DECsystem-10 Commands Manual to Eric Smith for copying,
and due to the fact that despite his best intentions,
I still have not received it back, I'm a bit reluctant
to let it out of my grasp for scanning.

I'd photocopy it, but it's already a third generation
copy, I think, so I'm not sure how well it would turn
out. I'll bring it in to the office and give it a try...

However, if anyone could get Eric Smith to actually
get me my DEC manual back, I'd feel a little safer in
letting it go.

Bear in mind I consider Eric to honest and forthright,
he's clearly just spreading himiself a little too thinly.

But when things like this happen in transactions with
people I meet in a public forum, I'm just unable to
bring myself to take a chance again... conditionally.

Regardless, if it looks like it will copy OK, I'll
just send you a copy.

-doug q
Received on Thu Dec 21 2000 - 10:32:45 GMT

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