On Dec 23, 14:18, David Gesswein wrote:
> >From: pete_at_dunnington.u-net.com (Pete Turnbull)
> >Is there anything in particular I should watch out for when I power it
> This is an area of discussion. The full treatment [...].
Well, I would do most of that anyway, but I wondered if there were any
particular gotchas. I assume not, so I'll just take normal care :-)
> >I don't have the RX01 drives [...] I also have a set of RX02s
> My VT78 is running off of RX02's set to RX8E mode. They also have the
> DB25 plug on the back which will connect directly to the VT78 cable. If
> yours don't I should be able to dig up the pinout if you don't run across
> it in one of the manuals.
I don't see a DB25, but Tony has said something similar, and I should be
able to hack an adaptor. Thanks for the tip about RX8E mode -- that's one
of the things I was wondering about.
I assume that the difference between RX8E (= RXV11/RX11) mode, and RX28
mode, is the denisty supported? ie, RX28 mode makes the drives behave as
RX02 rather than RX01? Did'nt I read somewhere that some VT78s (or was it
only DECmates?) can use RX02 mode?
> I have WPS, RX02 and OS/78, and COS manuals online. I have a complete
> printset but I have not scanned it yet.
> http://www.pdp8.net/query_docs/query.shtml
That's extremely helpful -- thanks! I knew you had several manuals but
I've not had time to browse yet.
> What is FOCAL-GT/RT?
All I know is what the front of the manual says: FOCAL-GT is a version of
FOCAL-11 extended to use a GT40 with graphics as well as a teletype. So in
fact, it's not relevant at all, as it's meant for an 11/05. It was a red
herring, sorry.
> >I should have some 8" floppies, though I'm not sure what's on them
> >I've not actually found them yet :-) Is there anything I should try
> >downloading from the net?
> >
> I have OS/78, COS and WPS images online, poke around in
Even better, since I've unpacked al the boxes and can't find any VT78
floppies. Lots of other things I forgot I had :-) but not those.
> If you have a OS/8 variant on the floppy that may be able to use my disk
> image dump and restore programs, dumprest.zip in
> ftp://pdp8.net/software/
> I have never actually tried to use it on the VT78, I write the images
> from the 8/E.
> If you find you don't have any bootable floppies I can make you one.
Well, before I go that far, I might try to get 8" drives running on an old
PC that has an XT controler which *should* do SD, I think. Can I use
something like PUTR to create a disk that way?
Thanks for the suggestions and help.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
Dept. of Computer Science
University of York
Received on Sat Dec 23 2000 - 19:12:37 GMT