On Dec 24, 23:41, David Gesswein wrote:
> >From: pete_at_dunnington.u-net.com (Pete Turnbull)
> I tried booting the VT78
> from a RX02 in RX28 mode and it worked with a RX02 version of OS/8.
Useful to know - thanks!
> >Well, before I go that far, I might try to get 8" drives running on an
> >PC that has an XT controler which *should* do SD, I think. Can I use
> >something like PUTR to create a disk that way?
> >
> I think so if the floppy chip supports SD. I have not tried.
It might take a while to find a working permutation of PC/controller, but
that might be a viable solution for me.
> This is the pinout I got by buzzing out the adapter cable I made to go
> from the DB25 on my RX02 to the 40 pin cable from the RX8E.
> If the pinout was in a document I can't find it, I may of
> gotten the pinout by buzzing out the cable in the drive.
> Pins 10,11,23, and 24 are not connected in the cable from my VT78 but
> pin 25 is present. I don't remember why my adapter cable has
> extra pins connected.
> DB25 40 pin header
> 1 3 C
> 14 4 D
> 2 7 E
> 15 8 F
Um, by your numbering scheme, 7 and 8 are H and J, not E and F.
> 10 37 SS
> 23 38 TT
> 11 39 UU
> 24 40 VV
> 12,13,25 Not connected.
TT is DRV AC L and VV is RX DMA INTR L. These are the extra connections
used by RX211 and RXV21 controllers, and I expect RX28 also uses RX DMA
> 40 pin connector is numbered
> 1 (A) 39 (UU)
> 2 (B) 40 (VV)
ObNitpick: That's the reverse of the conventional numbering; Berg
connectors with letters have the red stripe at the A end, which is on the
left of the pin header (looking into the pins) while all other headers
which are numbered have pin 1 on the right.
Merry Christmas!
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
Dept. of Computer Science
University of York
Received on Mon Dec 25 2000 - 04:30:23 GMT