On Thu, 3 Feb 2000, Rich Lafferty wrote:
> A mailing list subscriber wants to receive mail at an address different
> from that in his From: header. (Let's say he's using Pine without
> ALLOW_CHANGING_FROM, or he's using some older MUA that doesn't even
> have the concept of changing the From: header). So, he sets the
> Reply-To: to the address at which he actually accepts mail; the From:
> isn't meaningful anymore.
> Then it goes to the list, which replaces that Reply-To: with one
> pointing at the list.
> Explain how someone wishing to reply to him can retrieve the correct
> address at this point. (Or, phrased differently, why the mailing list
> should change anything at *all* in the message being sent.)
Well, hmmm. Since you are obviously are subscribed to the list, and you
obviously read the messages coming from the list, then that implies that
replies going back to the mailbox from which you read the list will in
fact reach you.
So I guess what I'm saying is I don't understand your scenario. A little
more specifics might help.
> It's awfully curious that a list full o' geeks can't figure out how to
> reply to a message in their mail client.
Change always pisses people off (especially when it wasn't particularly
broken in the first place).
Sellam International Man of Intrigue and Danger
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Received on Thu Feb 03 2000 - 11:50:44 GMT