NOBODY had any serious difficulty using the old system.
SOME people have some difficulty with the new system.
SOME people find the old system to be more convenient.
SOME people find the new system to be more convenient.
But that is NOT due to any intrinsic advantage, it is due to being a
better fit with THEIR mail programs.
Over the years, I have gotten a LOT of flack for using "obsolete"
computers. Even on this list!
Over the years, I have gotten a LOT of flack for using "obsolete"
software. Even on this list!
Now, the folk who only use NEW programs have instituted a change that
provides a trivially greater level of conveneince for them, at the cost of
a mild level of inconvenience for those of us using OLD systems.
On MOST lists, the answer is obvious: dump those who use OLD stuff. Is
that the answer here, also?
I will put up with the inconvenience because of the great people and
discussions here. Even those of you who are COMPLETELY WRONG on this
issue :-)
For SEVERAL reasons, my access here is through telnet and PINE on the ISP.
That doesn't give me much opportunity to rewrite, debug, or alter features
or characteristics of the mail program. I'm stuck with whatever version
of PINE the ISP is currently using.
I have a completely separate set of access for web browsing.
Some people say, "I'm on thousands of mailing lists, and they ALL use the
OLD way."
Some people say, "I'm on thousands of mailing lists, and they ALL use the
NEW way."
There must be a LOT of mailing lists to have so little overlap :-)
One of the issues is consequence of error. Under OLD system, occasionally
a message that was intended to be private went public. Under the NEW
system, a large number of messages that were intended to be public will go
private, and MANY (maybe MOST) messages will have DUPLICATES. Each person
has their own opinion of the cost/benefit analysis of THAT issue.
But none of that is the real problem. There simply needs to be a simple
and easy choice between REPLY TO AUTHOR v REPLY TO LIST. On old PINE,
that is what you have (a Y/N for using REPLY TO: v FROM:). On the NEW
software, instead, the choices appear to be REPLY TO AUTHOR v REPLY TO
BOTH AUTHOR AND LIST. Perhaps some rethinking is needed in the "NEW" mail
I, too, HATE html-mail! But the version of PINE that I'm using on THIS
ISP handles it well! (Although in the same "upgrade", they completely and
totally BROKE LYNX :-( )
But I want to thank MOST folk for becoming conscious of the fact that NOT
every mail program is internally linked to a browser. THANK YOU for
providing a one sentence explanation of any URLs that you post (rather
than the old "Check out:
Grumpy Ol' Fred
Received on Thu Feb 03 2000 - 12:27:42 GMT