regarding the reply address on the list....INTERESTING

From: Bill Dawson <>
Date: Thu Feb 3 14:42:49 2000

Zane wrote:

        Yes to everything! I just got home, and found that with the machine I use
        at home that this is even more of a royal pain! It looks like Eudora Pro
        doesn't have a group reply. I thought this was a pain in the neck with
        'elm', and yes, multiple people have pointed out "Group Reply", but I don't
        consider sending the person who's message I'm replying to, two copies
        acceptable behavior! I know *I* don't want two copies everytime someone
        replies to something I wrote.

        Here is something else to consider, there have got to be list members that
        have to pay *PER MINUTE* connection fees (remember those? *I* sure do).
        You do a group reply to those folks, you're costing them money! Then there
        is the disk space and bandwidth wasted by two messages. Oh, and yes, these
        are a couple of the reasons that I get a more than a little irritated with
        non-ASCII email and binary attachments!

I reply , only to the list:

The reasons you give for wishing to change back are the reasons I wish
things to stay as they are now. I hit "Reply to All" and the reply goes to
you, and to the list. I hit "Reply", and only you get the reply. I can
easily go to the TO box, and remove your name if I wish to reply only to the
list. I'll do this now.....OK, took about 2 seconds. Where is the problem?

FWIW, I don't believe thinly veiled threats on the part of prominent list
members who want their own way should be considered valid arguments in this
debate, I.E. :

        I'll stay subscribed for now (so I can get some replies on this) but if I
        have to unsubscribe then I hope there is an easy mechanism for me to
        continue to post messages to the list without having to be subscribed. If
        not, I don't think I'll be passing on any messages from people coming to
        me with old hardware wanting to find new homes for it.

I would have expected more logical argumentation and discussion from a group
heavily vested in this resource.

Received on Thu Feb 03 2000 - 14:42:49 GMT

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