On Fri, Feb 04, 2000 at 11:16:33PM -0800, Mike Ford wrote:
> OTOH I would not be willing to bet that some user on this list hasn't
> entered a message via toggle switches in octal. ;)
I still say that if people can mail me their MS-Word crap w/o asking first,
I should be able to send "Content-Type: application/runoff" to them and
let *them* be the ones to copy it through three systems to get it somewhere
where they can read it legibly (if they have RUNOFF at all, if they don't,
tough). So there! And of course "image/hpgl" too (with the pens loaded in
some unusual order just to be a pain) for tacking 2 KB corporate logos onto
every 300-character message. And if people insist on putting their card on
the end of every message, it should be 80 columns wide and 12 rows tall (and
mail the chad separately). Yeah, pcard instead of vcard! Well maybe not...
John Wilson
D Bit
Received on Sat Feb 05 2000 - 10:45:12 GMT
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