Feel free to bid on it, I just put a $10 bid on it to see what the reserve
was (its more than $10 :-)
At 12:18 AM 2/5/00 -0800, you wrote:
>--- Chuck McManis <cmcmanis_at_mcmanis.com> wrote:
> > It is the LSI-11 built into a VT100 thingy (a PDT-11?) The cards are from
> > left to right:
> > LSI=11/03 processor, RQDXn disk controller, Memory (looks like an M8044),
> > serial port, and RX01 floppy controller. A cute system and well worth the
> > dollar that is currently bid :-)
> > --Chuck
>I see that you're the high bidder, or I'd probably bid on it myself (that,
>and I already have a VT103 and boxes of Qbus cards).
>What _I_ see there in the ad is an 11/23 CPU (KDF-11), some third party
>(floppy) controller (white handle - the RQDX3 has a 50-pin connector in
>the middle of a red handle; the RQDX1 and RQDX2 are quad-width), memory
>(perhaps an M8044, as you say), an IVB11 (IEEE-488) and a DJV11-J 4-port
>SIO card. Pretty standard stuff.
>Good luck on the box. I hope you get it.
>Infinet has been sold. The domain is going away in February.
>Please send all replies to
> erd_at_iname.com
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Received on Sat Feb 05 2000 - 12:41:00 GMT