[ClassicCMP] Macintosh Portable questions.

From: David Vohs <netsurfer_x1_at_hotmail.com>
Date: Sat Feb 5 15:26:21 2000

Here are a few questions I have about the Macintosh Portable

How much would a 3Mb (or larger) memory expander card cost?
How much would a car power adapter cost?
Were there ever any cards released that used the ROM slot?
Were there ever any cards released that used the PDS slot?
Where can I find a detailed pin-out diagram of the Portable's video out
socket & a PC's VGA video socket? (The info in the manual is too vague, I
require more info so I can at least try to rig-up a cable that can use a
regular VGA monitor. That is all assuming that this is even possible in the
first place)

I know that Dynamic Engineering & Ebay have some of the things that I am
looking for, but I am not paying *that* much for some of that stuff, they
must think I'm an idiot or something. Also I really don't trust Ebay that
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Received on Sat Feb 05 2000 - 15:26:21 GMT

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