>Zane H. Healy wrote:
>> >I'd like to see a small tag be prefixed to the Subject: line so that it's
>> >easier to know that the email came from the Classic Computer list.
>> >I suggest the Majordomo "config" file include a line like this:
>> >subject_prefix = [ClassicCmp]
>> Oh, NO! I'd just like to point out that this makes sorting messages a
>> nightmare! PLUS it means you've got shorter subject lines. ARGGHHH!
>Jerome Fine replies:
>I agree with the original request and I agree with Zane. Perhaps a
>compromise like:
>subject_prefix = [CCmp] would do the job and still be just as
>identifiable. Even
>then, if we take a little bit of extra time (about 10 seconds - much
>longer than it takes
>me to type even this stuff in parenthesis), the original [CCmp] can be
>deleted. I don't
>know if the list software can also search for the presence of any imbedded
>strings and eliminate those as well automatically.
>Otherwise, I do prefer the prefix. Sorry Zane!
My *KEY* point/compaint/rant, is that it destroys the ability to sort the
messages by subject. I just did a quick sort by subject and got the
following results (this is a small subset, and you'll note I've split out
the specific thread I'm *trying* to follow):
[ClassicCMP] Re: ClassicCMP Re: [ClassicCmp] Tag requested in
[ClassicCMP] Re: ClassicCMP Re: [ClassicCmp] Tag requested in
Re: [ClassicCMP] Re: ClassicCMP Re: [ClassicCmp] Tag requested in
Subject: line
Re: [ClassicCMP] Re: ClassicCMP Re: [ClassicCmp] Tag requested in
Subject: line
[ClassicCMP] Re: Digital Prometrix Omnimap 111, DEC???
[ClassicCMP] Re: Disk size limits in VMS 5.4-1?
Re: [ClassicCMP] Re: Disk size limits in VMS 5.4-1?
Re: [ClassicCMP] Re: Disk size limits in VMS 5.4-1?
[ClassicCMP] Re: HTML in Email
[ClassicCMP] Re: HTML in Email
Re: [ClassicCMP] Re: HTML in Email
[ClassicCMP] Re: HTML: was Re: Announcement: CHANGES TO THE LIST
Re: [ClassicCMP] Re: HTML: was Re: Announcement: CHANGES TO THE LIST
[ClassicCMP] Re: I found an HP150 (model 45851A?)--how do I make it work?
[ClassicCMP] Re: Tag requested in Subject: line
Re: [ClassicCMP] Re: Tag requested in Subject: line
[ClassicCMP] Re: What's a WD2793A chip?
[ClassicCMP] Re: [ClassicCmp] Tag requested in Subject: line
[ClassicCMP] Re: [ClassicCmp] Tag requested in Subject: line
[ClassicCMP] Re: [ClassicCmp] Tag requested in Subject: line
Re: [ClassicCMP] Re: [ClassicCmp] Tag requested in Subject: line
Re: [ClassicCMP] Re: [ClassicCmp] Tag requested in Subject: line
Re: [ClassicCMP] Re: [ClassicCmp] Tag requested in Subject: line
[ClassicCMP] Re: [ClassicCmp] Tag requested in Subject: line
[ClassicCmp] Tag requested in Subject: line
As you can see from this example using tags in the subject line totally
breaks the ability to sort the messages by subject and follow a thread. It
doesn't matter if you change the tag to something of a more sensible
lenght, the ability to sort by subjects will still be lost!
| Zane H. Healy | UNIX Systems Adminstrator |
| healyzh_at_aracnet.com (primary) | Linux Enthusiast |
| healyzh_at_holonet.net (alternate) | Classic Computer Collector |
| Empire of the Petal Throne and Traveller Role Playing, |
| and Zane's Computer Museum. |
http://www.aracnet.com/~healyzh/ |
Received on Sat Feb 05 2000 - 21:09:25 GMT