I am looking for a copy of the old Macintosh speech synthesizer program
called "Smooth Talker" from First Byte. I had this program on a floppy that
my electronics teacher gave to me last year, but the floppy has since worn
out & I have been searching *everywhere* for a copy, but to no avail. If you
have a copy, *do not* send me a disk image, as my Mac (original Mac upgraded
to Mac Plus specs.) does not recognize them at all. I must ask, however,
that it come on an 800K floppy, 400K is not enough space!
I am looking for a driver for aforementioned Macintosh for an Apple Color
Stylewriter 2400. I don't want that printer to be reduced to dust magnet
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Received on Mon Feb 07 2000 - 17:34:26 GMT