Poor contact repair (was: Re: The pure *hell* of restoring a PDP-8/S desktop.
"Daniel T. Burrows" <dburrows_at_netpath.net> wrote:
> Another warning. Be very careful using chlorinated solvents near
> electrolytic caps. One of the labs I used to service did some studies on
> why one of their customers was having a high failure rate with the ends
> popping. They found the solvent they were using for flux removal was the
> cause. It broke down the seal at the vent hole. The caps were never in
> direct contact with the solvent - just the vapors were enough.
> Dan
Interesting. I hadden thought of that as a potential
problem. Most electrolitic caps now days use that
same bubber seal. I would think that petrolium
oils and ozone from chrona disharge would also
degrade them. Surpisingly, silicone grease is often
used to protect rubber. I would guess, one should
put a light coat of the grease on the rubber
parts before using the brake clean ( found another
use ).
Received on Wed Feb 09 2000 - 14:56:03 GMT
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