> ">PS: Is the Sun 3/50 VME-based??
> I _think_ that's a 68k based pizza box. Check http://www.sunhelp.org for
> pointers to info on the various models.
> "
> No, neither is is 3/60
> The 3/110, 3/150 or 4/110's were in four slot VME chassis. Most of the
> rest were in either rack mounted 12 slot desk or rack mount chassis.
> I'm rather fond of the 12 slot rack mount chassis, myself. Easy to
> work on, with a big power supply. There was also a 7 slot desk side
> chassis.
Better look again. Both the 3/50 and 3/60 are Pizza Boxes. The 3/75 is
apparently a 2 VME Slot Pizza Box, now that sounds wierd!
I suspect what he really wants is the following, and these do show up from
time to time on USENET:
SPARCserver 6xxMP/xx
Processor(s): Mbus modules
CPU: 501-1686/2055
Chassis type: rackmount
Bus: VME; SBus _at_ 20MHz; and Mbus
Memory: 640M physical
Architecture: sun4m
Notes: First Mbus-based machine. Cypress/ROSS Mbus
modules later upgraded to TI SuperSPARC modules
(/xx models). Code name "Galaxy". Up to four
CPUs. 4M or 16M x 9 80ns 30-pin SIMMs.
Not sure how many VMS slots, but they're a nice system, I've use a highly
modified one stuffed into a pair of 19" racks (complete with 2 big monitors
and keyboards).
Or just get an Auspex Fileserver, they're still selling servers with VME
backplanes. Of course you don't want to know what they cost ;^)
Received on Wed Feb 09 2000 - 17:49:03 GMT