Who has the best dumpster?

From: Mike Ford <mikeford_at_socal.rr.com>
Date: Thu Feb 10 01:31:40 2000

>Here in Austin, they have a "Goodwill Computerworks" - all they sell is
>computers. They'll routinely get FOUR OR FIVE semi-truck-loads of equipment
>in at once - but they have signs up threatening arrest for dumpster diving,
>and the police routinely patrol around back. 8-(

Same at Santa Ana, CA Goodwill, except they have a bunch of their own
guards roaming around, plus security video cameras. Items left, BELONG to
Goodwill, and generally they get at least a few pennies per pound selling
even junk to scrap dealers. OTOH begging or bidding on items about to be
offered sometimes works.

To remove any doubt, the Goodwill donation box is NOT a dumpster, stay out
of it.
Received on Thu Feb 10 2000 - 01:31:40 GMT

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