Dumpster stories!

From: thomas.h.lindberg_at_se.abb.com <(thomas.h.lindberg_at_se.abb.com)>
Date: Thu Feb 10 05:34:12 2000

A coule of years ago we had two very tragic dumpster stories in Sweden,
three kids vere killed while reading magazines in covered
newspaper/magazine dumpsters.
The kids had seaked in through the narrow opening where we dump our old
newspapers/magazines and sat there while the truck came to pick up the
dumpster content. The dumpster was automatically emptied into a compacter
at the truck and all taken to the fragmentation site where the kids wer
found crushed.
The dumpster openings are now just about the size of a mail box.

Received on Thu Feb 10 2000 - 05:34:12 GMT

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