Dumpster tales from Kansas City

From: McFadden, Mike <mmcfadden_at_cmh.edu>
Date: Thu Feb 10 09:12:46 2000

I can't help when I drive down the street to stop and examine any computer
stuff I find on the curb. My kids get kind of irritated waiting in a running
car while I examine stuff..
Our lake community about every 3 years has a free drop-off for large trash.
I have picked up more "good stuff" than my wife will let me keep. I usually
volunteer so I can help unload and preselect any stuff before it goes in the
truck sized bins. Best find was a Toshiba 21" TV with a broken power cord.
Lots of old PS/2 and 286 machines and dot matrix printers.
The Kansas City surplus place fills bins with the following.
Bin #1 motherboards
Bin #2 fingerboards
Bin #3 power supplies
Bin #4 cables
I don't know where the documentation and media goes.
All of the cases go into the metal scrap bin. I have almost cried when I
find something really interesting as a case only in the metal scrap bin.

Received on Thu Feb 10 2000 - 09:12:46 GMT

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